Unimarket Collaboration Channels
Helping Unimarket users to problem-solve, collaborate, and succeed together

Source-to-pay success beyond the software.
Our commitment to our customers doesn't stop when the implementation is done, and we know that choosing the right e-procurement tool is only one aspect of impactful and efficient procurement. To be successful, our customers need to continuously upskill, keep up with the latest trends and explore new ways to optimize systems and processes.
What better way to do so than through connection and collaboration with peers and topic experts?
We have created the Unimarket Collaboration Channels to offer opportunities for our customers to connect and collaborate with each other and to learn from procurement experts.
Through our online forum, monthly catch-ups, quarterly round-tables and live events, we help you succeed – and we have fun along the way.
Scroll down to learn more about our Collaboration Channels.
The Unimarket Collaboration Channels
All Unimarket customers get access to our collaboration channels and events.
Unimarket connect.
Our online user forum
Connect is an online forum for Unimarket customers to ask the community questions, respond to polls, and share ideas for better ways of working.
We’ve found that it’s been a great way for people to solve problems and learn new ways of doing things. The community spirit of our customers is really showcased on Connect.
All customers are invited to join connect.
Unimarket circle.
A monthly customer catch-up
Circle is a monthly video call hosted by our experienced team. The topics are 100% driven by our customers. They can submit any topics, even non-Unimarket related ones, and we spend an hour going through those topics to share thoughts and ideas, ask questions, and learn from one another.
Topics we’ve covered so far include ways to reduce the number of invoices being paid without a purchase order upfront, ways to better manage suppliers, P-card program management, accounts payable best practices, and strategic sourcing, to name a few.
Our Circles are consistently well attended and we love to hear the great feedback from customers on the value they receive from the sessions.
Unimarket round-up.
A recurring product roadmap webinar
Our monthly Round-Up is a recurring webinar where customers can gather to learn more about our product roadmap, new features, and enhancements to our solution suite.
Join our executives, product development, operations, and customer support teams as we discuss how Unimarket is evolving to meet our customer’s needs.
Unimarket exchange.
A quarterly virtual roundtable
Every three months, we take a deep dive into a topic that might be an industry-wide challenge or a problem that a number of our customers are trying to solve. Whatever the topic, Exchange is about sharing ideas and advice and brainstorming solutions that can benefit the entire community.
Held virtually, the calls are often workshop-style meetings, hosted by our experienced team or a topic expert. Some of the topics we have and will cover during exchange sessions include Fiscal Year End, maverick spend, compliance and much more.
The Exchanges are well attended and they have brought about excellent conversations, new connections, and idea generation amongst our customers.
Live Events
In addition to our online collaboration channels, we also regularly host live events for our customers.
Unimarket NOW
Unimarket NOW, our biennial global user conference, brings together customers, suppliers and partners for three days of insights from industry experts, engaging roundtable discussions, procurement best practices, and networking opportunities.
Day of Collaboration
In April of 2024, Unimarket’s Day of Collaboration brings customers together from around the globe in New York City. This live one-day customer-driven event was created to give our user community a voice to speak and present to fellow users and share ideas and best practices in a collegial learning environment.
"To work with the Unimarket team is a blessing. They are always there to make the process easier."
Patricia Walker
Director of Business Services, Teachers College, Columbia University.
From chaos to clarity, spend management transformed.
Are you ready to begin your e-procurement journey?