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Thanks for visiting CompareCoOps

As of January 2025, CompareCoOps is no longer in operation.

Unimarket and VendorPanel turn focus to Source-to-Pay offering.

As of 31 January 2025, CompareCoOps is no longer in operation. Following VendorPanel's merger with Unimarket, we will be focusing on our combined Source-to-Pay offering used by over 400 enterprise customers.

If you are an existing buyer or supplier on the platform, you will have received email communication from us regarding this closure and the resources you can access to assist during this transition.

If you have any outstanding inquiries or need further assistance regarding CompareCoOps, please lodge a ticket with our support team via the button below.

Thank you for being part of the CompareCoOps journey, we hope to continue working with you in the future.

Explore our comprehensive suite of source-to-pay solutions.

Interested in learning more?

 If you’d like to learn more about our Source-to-Pay platform, drop us message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

If you’d like to register as a supplier, please use our supplier contact form.


Clarity. Control. Impact.

Are you ready to streamline your source-to-pay processes?